Reception and gate services

Reception and gate services

Reliable reception, effective management!

Trust us with your and your guests' safety!

 Our services play a central role in ensuring the security and efficient operation of buildings, office complexes, or corporate facilities. Our trained security guards welcome and direct visitors, manage access and administrative tasks, supervise building entrances, check incoming and outgoing individuals, and assist in handling security systems and devices. They ensure the internal protection of the buildings and the smooth operation.

     With BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.’s reception and gate services, you can be sure that the first impression of your business begins right at the door. During the selection and training of our staff, we pay special attention to ensuring that every visitor and client receives the most professional reception possible.

Customized Solutions:
Our services include courteous reception and the direction of arriving guests and partners. Our trained staff create the perfect balance between polite and expert reception and security measures. Our goal is to help facilitate smooth business operations and enhance the efficiency of your enterprise.

First-Class Services:
Our team are not only bastions of expertise and reliability but also warmly welcome your visitors, ensuring that your business environment is always professional and inviting.

Technology and Convenience:
With our modern access system and guest management software, our company provides a new level of efficiency and convenience. Meanwhile, our security systems and protocols ensure that only authorized individuals can enter your institution.

24/7 Support and Monitoring:
We support your company around the clock with proper reception and gate service operation. We are ready at any time to ensure the safety and comfort of you and your clients.

Integrated Security Solutions:
Our services are designed to integrate with your existing security infrastructure, thus ensuring comprehensive protection and efficiency. Our company continually develops its technological tools to provide the highest level of security.

With our team, you receive not just a simple service, but a partner who supports your business success.

Fresh news and up-to-date solutions

Security of businesses

Patrol Service

Object and Area Security



BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529



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