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Custom business application development with solutions from BerényiSoft Ltd.!

Custom business application development with solutions from BerényiSoft Ltd.!

Egyedi üzleti alkalmazások fejlesztése a BerényiSoft Kft. megoldásai!

In the business world, maintaining efficiency and competitiveness is crucial, and often requires customized solutions. Custom business application development allows companies to optimize their processes, increase productivity, and respond more quickly to market changes through software tailored to their needs.

Why is custom business application development important?

Every company faces different challenges and goals, so custom-developed business applications offer solutions specifically designed for the needs of the business. These software solutions not only play a role in automating processes and improving efficiency but also enhance the customer experience. With custom solutions, businesses can respond more quickly and precisely to customer needs.

BerényiSoft Ltd. offers custom solutions in various industries, from financial systems and CRM solutions to logistics systems and production management applications.

BerényiSoft Ltd.'s development process

Custom business application development at BerényiSoft Ltd. follows a transparent and customer-focused process. The first step is a detailed needs assessment, where we get to know the company’s specific requirements, business goals, and technological environment. Afterward, the development team creates a solution that fully meets the needs of the business and helps achieve long-term business objectives.

Flexible and scalable solutions
The applications developed by BerényiSoft Ltd. adapt flexibly to business growth. Custom-developed software is easily scalable and customizable, always aligning with the company’s changing needs.

The applications we develop are easily integrated with existing systems, meaning there’s no need to create an entirely new technological environment. This can result in significant cost savings.

The benefits of custom business applications

Custom business applications enable companies to optimize their processes and operate more efficiently. Additionally, these software solutions allow businesses to create unique competitive advantages in the market, as tailored solutions are specifically designed to meet the company’s needs.

Better decision-making
Custom business applications enable real-time data processing and analysis, allowing leaders to make business decisions quickly and accurately.

While the initial costs of custom software development may be higher, in the long run, it can result in significant savings through increased efficiency and automation.

Why choose BerényiSoft Ltd.?

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s custom business applications offer not only technological solutions but also business growth and efficiency. Our goal is to develop software that not only meets the specific needs of the business but also contributes to long-term success.

Get in touch with us and discover how we can help boost your business’s efficiency with our custom business applications!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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AI Document Management Solution: The Future of Efficiency and Security!

AI Document Management Solution: The Future of Efficiency and Security!

AI dokumentumkezelési megoldás a hatékonyság és biztonság jövője!
Document management, storage, and accessibility are critical tasks for businesses. AI-driven document management solutions are innovative tools that revolutionize this process. The AI document management solution offered by BerényiSoft Ltd. provides businesses with customized solutions that increase efficiency and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Why is there a need for an AI document management solution?

Due to digital transformation and the continuous growth of data, traditional document management systems struggle to keep up with demands. AI-based solutions not only automate document processing but also analyze them, aiding in quick decision-making and accurate data handling.

– Automated organization and search
Artificial intelligence can instantly categorize and index documents, making them easily accessible when needed.

– Data protection and security
AI-powered solutions employ advanced security protocols that minimize the risk of data theft and leaks. Sensitive data is automatically encrypted, and access permissions are managed through AI.

– Time and cost savings
By automating manual processes, businesses can save a significant amount of time and resources. AI document management solutions provide faster processing and more efficient administration.

AI Document Management Solution by BerényiSoft Ltd.

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s AI document management solutions use the latest technology, fully customizable to the unique needs of the business. Our goal is to simplify the management and storage of documents while ensuring data security.

– Intelligent data processing
With the help of artificial intelligence, data processing becomes faster and more accurate, automatically organizing incoming documents and necessary data.

– Customizable solutions
Every company is different, so we tailor our solutions entirely to the client’s needs, whether it’s financial, HR, or logistics document management.

– Advanced data storage solutions
AI-driven solutions not only help with document management but also long-term data retention. Through digital archiving, all information is securely stored and easily retrievable at any time.

How does the AI document management system work?

The AI document management solution from BerényiSoft Ltd. can process various types of documents, whether scanned contracts, invoices, or even emails. AI technology automatically identifies important data, organizes it, and ensures that the relevant information is always easily accessible.

– Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
With AI, even scanned documents become easily searchable, as the system automatically recognizes and digitizes the content using OCR technology.

– Data mining and analysis
AI can perform analyses and forecasts based on processed data, helping leaders make strategic decisions.

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s AI solutions provide innovative and customizable tools for businesses, simplifying and optimizing document management. Automation, security, and cost-efficiency are all guaranteed. If you want to experience the advantages of the document management system of the future, contact us!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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Microenterprise AI Consulting – BerényiSoft Ltd.’s Solutions for Small Businesses

Microenterprise AI Consulting

BerényiSoft Ltd.'s Solutions for Small Businesses

Mikrovállalati AI tanácsadás - A BerényiSoft Kft. megoldásai kisvállalkozások számára

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer the privilege of large corporations. The application of AI is now accessible to microenterprises, and it provides a competitive advantage by optimizing business processes. Microenterprise AI Consulting is a service offered by BerényiSoft Ltd. aimed at helping smaller businesses leverage the opportunities provided by AI.

Why is AI important for companies?

In the age of digital transformation, companies are increasingly turning to AI solutions to automate processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. AI technologies can perform complex tasks such as data analysis, forecasting, and analyzing customer behavior.

  • Automation: By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can save both time and money. This can include processes like billing or customer service optimization based on AI.

  • Data-driven decision-making: AI can analyze customer habits and business data, providing more accurate forecasts and enabling better decision-making.

  • Marketing and customer relationship management: AI can design personalized marketing campaigns, increasing conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

How does BerényiSoft Ltd. help?

Microenterprise AI Consulting is one of BerényiSoft Ltd.’s flagship services, helping small businesses effectively implement AI technology. Our company has extensive experience in designing and developing AI solutions, offering tailored approaches to meet every unique business need.

  • Customized consulting: Every business is unique, which is why BerényiSoft’s experts design AI solutions based on the specific needs of the company.

  • Cost-efficiency: Introducing AI technologies can lead to significant savings in the long term while improving efficiency.

  • Ongoing support: We not only help with system implementation but also provide continuous maintenance and optimization to ensure your business always uses the best AI solutions.

Benefits of AI solutions for microenterprises

For small businesses, applying AI is not just about technological progress, but also tangible business benefits. Implementing AI can lead to faster work processes, fewer errors, and increased profitability.

  • Increased efficiency: AI-driven processes allow businesses to respond more quickly to market changes and customer demands.

  • Competitive advantage: For small businesses, adopting AI technology can provide a competitive edge in the marketplace, as they utilize technology that was previously only available to large corporations.

  • Improved customer experience: AI enables businesses to provide faster and more efficient services to their customers, thereby increasing satisfaction.

With Microenterprise AI Consulting, BerényiSoft Ltd.
helps small businesses effectively utilize artificial intelligence technology to gain a competitive advantage.
If you want to learn how AI can transform your business, contact us, and let’s work together for success!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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AI for Companies – Innovation and Growth with BerényiSoft Ltd.!

AI for Companies – Innovation and Growth with BerényiSoft Ltd.!

AI cégeknek - Innováció és növekedés a BerényiSoft Kft.-vel!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are now indispensable for modern companies, whether it’s for automation, data analysis, or customer relationship management. BerényiSoft Ltd. is committed to providing tailored AI solutions for companies that help businesses grow, increase efficiency, and stay competitive. Implementing AI technology is not just a trend but a key tool for future success.

Why is AI implementation important for companies?

In the era of digital transformation, companies are increasingly turning to AI solutions to automate processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. AI technologies can perform complex tasks such as data analysis, forecasting, and analyzing customer behavior.

– Automation: AI enables companies to quickly and accurately automate their processes, reducing human error and freeing up employees’ time for more creative, higher-value tasks.

– Decision support: AI analyzes real-time data and makes accurate forecasts, helping leaders make strategic decisions.

For example, manufacturing companies can optimize production processes with AI. Automated systems can monitor machines and equipment in real time, alerting them to errors or maintenance needs before they cause real problems. This not only increases production efficiency but also reduces costs.

BerényiSoft – AI Solutions

BerényiSoft Ltd. offers a wide range of AI solutions for companies, fully tailored to the client’s needs. These AI systems help optimize business processes and provide a competitive advantage.

– Customer relationship management: With AI, customer interactions and shopping habits can be analyzed, allowing for personalized offers to be sent to customers, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. AI-powered chatbots or customer service solutions also ensure 24/7 availability.

– Data analysis: Real-time data analysis is becoming increasingly important. Our AI-based solutions allow companies to process and analyze large amounts of data, predicting market trends and customer behavior.

How can companies benefit from AI solutions?

AI-based technologies can revolutionize how companies operate. BerényiSoft Ltd. offers AI solutions that help companies gain a significant competitive edge.

– Efficiency improvement: AI systems can boost productivity by simplifying everyday processes and reducing the risk of errors.

– Cost reduction: Using automated systems not only increases efficiency but also reduces costs. AI solutions quickly pay off by reducing labor costs and optimizing business processes.

AI: The key to the future

Implementing AI technology in companies not only solves current problems but also provides long-term competitive advantages. AI-based software development allows companies to continuously evolve and adapt to changing market demands.

If you want to take advantage of AI’s opportunities, get in touch with us,
and we will help you find the best AI solutions for your business!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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AI Software Development – Revolutionary Solutions from BerényiSoft Ltd.!

AI szoftverfejlesztés - Forradalmi megoldások a BerényiSoft Kft.-től!

AI szoftverfejlesztés - Forradalmi megoldások a BerényiSoft Kft.-től!

Az AI szoftverfejlesztés ma már nem csupán a jövő technológiája, hanem a vállalkozások hatékonyságának egyik legfontosabb mozgatórugója. A BerényiSoft Kft. elkötelezett amellett, hogy innovatív AI alapú megoldásokat kínáljon cégeknek, ezzel támogatva őket a digitális átalakulásban. Legyen szó automatizálásról, adatelemzésről vagy ügyfélkapcsolat-menedzsmentről, az AI technológiák beépítése jelentős versenyelőnyt jelenthet.

Miért érdemes AI megoldásokat választani?

Az AI szoftverfejlesztés lehetővé teszi a vállalatok számára, hogy intelligens, öntanuló rendszereket használjanak az üzleti folyamataik optimalizálására. Az automatizáció, a valós idejű adatfeldolgozás és a gépi tanulás képességei olyan eszközöket adnak a cégek kezébe, amelyek növelik a hatékonyságot, csökkentik a költségeket, és növelik a versenyképességet.

  • Automatizált folyamatok:
    Az AI képes emberi beavatkozás nélkül elvégezni bonyolult feladatokat, ezzel felszabadítva az erőforrásokat.
  • Döntéstámogatás:
    Az AI elemzi a vállalat adatait, és valós idejű, adatvezérelt döntéseket hoz, ami elősegíti a gyorsabb és hatékonyabb működést.
  • Ügyfélkapcsolat-kezelés:
    Az AI személyre szabott ajánlatokat, ügyfélszolgálati megoldásokat kínál, növelve az ügyfélélményt és a lojalitást.

Hogyan segíti a BerényiSoft Kft. a vállalkozásokat?

A BerényiSoft Kft. AI alapú megoldásai teljes mértékben testreszabhatók, és a vállalat igényeihez igazíthatók. Csapatunk többéves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a mesterséges intelligencia fejlesztése terén, és célunk, hogy ügyfeleink számára maximális értéket nyújtsunk.

  • Egyedi megoldások:
    Minden AI szoftverfejlesztési projektet a vállalatok egyedi igényeihez alakítunk, legyen szó gyártási optimalizálásról, logisztikai elemzésről vagy ügyfélszolgálati automatizálásról.
  • Hatékonyság növelése:
    AI megoldásaink segítségével cégek jelentős mértékben növelhetik termelékenységüket, miközben csökkentik az emberi hibák számát.
  • Skálázhatóság:
    Az AI rendszereink könnyedén alkalmazkodnak a változó piaci igényekhez és üzleti növekedéshez.

Példák az AI alkalmazására

Az AI technológiák számos iparágban forradalmi változásokat hozhatnak. A BerényiSoft Kft. AI megoldásai különböző területeken alkalmazhatók:

  • Logisztika és raktározás:
    Az AI valós idejű adatok alapján képes optimalizálni a raktárkészletet, előre jelezni az árucikkek igényét, és minimalizálni a készletkezelési hibákat.
  • Pénzügyi elemzés:
    Az AI segítségével pontos előrejelzéseket készíthetünk a pénzügyi trendekről, ami segít a jobb üzleti döntések meghozatalában.
  • Marketing automatizálás:
    Az AI személyre szabott marketingkampányokat hoz létre, optimalizálja a hirdetési költségeket, és növeli az ügyfél-elégedettséget.

Miért válassza a BerényiSoft Kft.-t?

A BerényiSoft Kft. megbízható partner az AI szoftverfejlesztés terén. Innovatív megoldásainkkal segítjük a vállalkozásokat abban, hogy versenyképesek maradjanak a folyamatosan változó piaci környezetben.

  • Tapasztalt csapat: Szakértőink magasan képzettek a mesterséges intelligencia fejlesztésében.
  • Testreszabott megoldások: Minden ügyfelünkkel szorosan együttműködve dolgozunk ki olyan megoldásokat, amelyek valóban támogatják üzleti céljaikat.
  • Piacvezető technológiák: A legmodernebb AI technológiákat alkalmazzuk, hogy ügyfeleink mindig a legjobb megoldásokat kapják.

Ha szeretné megtudni, hogyan segíthetnek AI alapú megoldásaink vállalkozása fejlesztésében,
vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot és dolgozzunk közösen a jövő technológiáján!


Berényisoftware Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Kft.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. ép.

Telefon: +36 30 777 7529




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Integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises

Integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises

Integrált ügyviteli rendszer kis- és középvállalkozásoknak

For small and medium-sized enterprises, administration and management can often pose a challenge, as these tasks require a lot of time and energy. The integrated management system developed by BerényiSoft Ltd. for small and medium-sized enterprises, which is a module of the MicroManager enterprise resource planning system, provides a solution to this problem. By optimizing and automating administrative processes, this system helps businesses operate more efficiently and dedicate more time to business development.

Why is an integrated management system important for small and medium-sized enterprises?

In many small and medium-sized businesses, various administrative tasks are carried out using multiple software or manual methods. This is time-consuming and prone to errors. The essence of an integrated management system is that everything necessary for the daily operation of the business is managed in one place—from financial records to inventory management and customer relations.

How does the MicroManager module help?

The MicroManager module by BerényiSoft Ltd. is a comprehensive solution specifically designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. This integrated management system ensures that all company activities are handled transparently and systematically.

By automating repetitive tasks, such as invoicing, inventory management, or accounting, time and energy can be saved.

Real-time data management:
The system allows real-time data management, so clients can track their inventory, finances, and other business processes.

Easy integration:
The MicroManager system can easily be integrated into existing IT structures, so there’s no need to abandon previously used systems.

The advantages of an integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises

An integrated management system for small and medium-sized enterprises offers various benefits. One of the most important is that all essential processes of the business can be managed on one platform, which makes operations more efficient and processes more transparent.

Simplified administration:
All data is stored in one place, making information more easily accessible and manageable.

Increased efficiency:
Automated processes reduce the chances of errors and enable faster decision-making.

For small and medium-sized businesses, it is essential to manage administrative tasks efficiently. The integrated management system developed by BerényiSoft Ltd. is a comprehensive solution that helps companies optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and save time.

Try the MicroManager system and discover the benefits of an integrated management system!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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Net – Gross Salary Calculator in MicroManager!

Net - Gross Salary Calculator in MicroManager!

Nettó - Bruttó bér kalkulátor a MikroMenedzserben!

One of the most important aspects of a company’s daily operations is accurate payroll management. The Net – Gross Salary Calculator, a useful module of the enterprise resource planning system developed by BerényiSoft Ltd., MicroManager, makes this task transparent and easier to manage. Whether it’s a small or large company, quick and accurate payroll calculations are essential for smooth operations.

Why is the Net - Gross Salary Calculator important?

It provides an effective solution for companies that want to minimize payroll-related errors. The application can quickly and accurately determine net and gross salaries, taking into account relevant taxes and contributions. Thanks to automatic calculations, the HR department spends less time on manual data entry, leaving more time for other important tasks.

The Net – Gross Salary Calculator is fully integrated into the MicroManager enterprise resource planning system, so all payroll-related data is available in one place. The system seamlessly connects with other modules, such as financial and accounting functions. This allows managers and financial professionals to access necessary data through a clear and easily manageable interface.


A major advantage of the system is that it continuously updates according to the latest legal changes. The Net – Gross Salary Calculator is always up-to-date, ensuring that calculations comply with current tax and contribution regulations. This is particularly important as the tax system frequently changes, and even a small discrepancy can have serious consequences for a business.

MicroManager and Efficiency Improvement

The goal of MicroManager, developed by BerényiSoft Ltd., is to provide businesses with a tool that both accelerates and refines daily business processes. The Net – Gross Salary Calculator not only simplifies payroll but also contributes to increasing the efficiency of financial administration. This helps reduce errors, optimize resources, and ultimately increase the company’s profitability.

Why Choose BerényiSoft Ltd.?

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s unique enterprise resource planning system, MicroManager, is specifically tailored to the needs of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises. The Net – Gross Salary Calculator is a tool that saves companies time and money.

If you also want to optimize your payroll and financial processes, try the MicroManager system.


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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Custom Software Design and Development with BerényiSoft Ltd. is the Secret to Success!

Custom Software Design and Development with BerényiSoft Ltd. is the Secret to Success!

Egyedi szoftvertervezés és -fejlesztés a BerényiSoft Kft. titka a sikerhez!

The digital world is constantly changing, and businesses must keep up with technological advancements to maintain their competitive edge. Custom software design and development is a strategic investment that allows companies to create solutions tailored to their needs and goals. BerényiSoft Ltd. provides expert support in this area, as our expertise lies in designing and developing customized software solutions capable of addressing even the most complex business challenges.

Why should you choose custom software design and development?

The essence of custom software design and development is to offer solutions that not only meet current needs but also flexibly adapt to future changes. While off-the-shelf software provides general solutions, custom developments allow us to create unique features and integrations that perfectly fit the operations of a given company.

Benefits of custom software design and development

Customization: Every business is different and needs unique solutions to operate efficiently. Custom software design allows the software to be developed precisely according to your needs, taking into account corporate processes and goals.

Increased efficiency: Custom-developed software optimizes business processes, potentially resulting in significant time and cost savings. This allows the business to operate more quickly and efficiently, directly contributing to business success.

Competitive advantage: Custom software provides the opportunity to implement unique features and solutions that help you stand out from competitors. This customization and flexibility help ensure your business is always a step ahead of the market.

Scalability: As your business grows, so does the need for software. With custom software design and development, you can be sure that your software solutions can keep up with the growth of your business and can easily be expanded with new features.

Why choose BerényiSoft Ltd.?

At BerényiSoft Ltd., we pride ourselves on approaching every project uniquely. Our team consists of experienced developers, designers, and project managers committed to designing and developing the highest quality software. We work closely with our clients to fully understand their needs and create solutions that thoroughly meet them.

How does custom software design and development work with us?

The first step is always a thorough needs assessment, during which we get to know your business, goals, and the challenges you face. This is followed by the design phase, where we create the software structure and functionalities, and then the development phase, where we start the actual creation of the software. Throughout the process, we continuously consult with you to ensure that the final result meets your expectations.

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s expertise and commitment ensure
that your business will benefit as much as possible from our custom software solutions.


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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Custom System Development from BerényiSoft Ltd.!

Custom System Development from BerényiSoft Ltd.!

Egyedi Rendszerfejlesztés a BerényiSoft Kft.-től!

The rapid development of the business world and increasingly complex challenges require companies to have technological solutions that precisely fit their needs and goals. Custom system development is one of the most effective ways for your company to gain a competitive edge and achieve sustainable success in the long term. BerényiSoft Ltd. provides expert support in this process, ensuring that your company works with systems that fully meet business requirements.

Why choose custom system development?

One of the biggest advantages of custom system development is that the solutions can be fully tailored to the unique needs of the business. Unlike generic off-the-shelf software, which often requires compromises, custom development allows you to get exactly the features and integrations you need. This not only increases efficiency but also helps your business respond more quickly to market changes and customer demands.

Advantages of custom system development:

Fully customizable solutions:
Every detail is designed according to your needs. This includes the functionality of the system, user interface, and integration with existing systems within the company.

Greater flexibility:
A custom system provides the opportunity to easily modify or expand in the future as your business grows and changes. Custom developments ensure that the system can always adapt to new challenges and needs.

Competitive advantage:
A well-designed custom system can enhance your business’s efficiency and effectiveness, allowing you to better leverage market opportunities and gain an advantage over competitors.

Better integration:
During development, we ensure that the new system perfectly integrates with existing systems, connecting seamlessly with existing processes and data.

Why choose BerényiSoft Ltd.?

The BerényiSoft Ltd. team has years of experience in the field of custom system development. Our goal is to create systems that not only meet your current needs but are also ready for future challenges. During our development process, we work closely with our clients to thoroughly understand their expectations and provide the best possible solution.

The process of custom system development:

Requirements assessment:
The first step is a thorough consultation where we learn about your business and the specific challenges you are seeking solutions for.

This is followed by detailed design, where we define the system’s structure, functionality, and the resources needed for development.

Based on the design, we begin developing the system, ensuring that every detail meets your needs.

Testing and implementation:
After development, we thoroughly test the system and then integrate it into your business operations.

We guarantee that your company will receive the best, customized system,
which will help you overcome market challenges and achieve your business goals.


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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Custom software design – BerényiSoft Ltd.’s key to success!

Custom software design - BerényiSoft Ltd.'s key to success!

Egyedi szoftvertervezés - A BerényiSoft Kft. kulcsa a sikerhez!

Amidst the increasingly complex challenges of the business world, the importance of custom software design has never been greater. BerényiSoft Ltd. is committed to providing its clients with tailored software solutions that precisely meet the needs and goals of each business. But why should you consider custom software design?

Why is custom software design important?

Every business is unique. Just as business processes can vary, so can needs. Custom software design allows you to get a solution that perfectly fits your business operations, without having to compromise on functionality or efficiency.

Pre-made software often cannot fully meet the specific requirements of a business. However, a custom solution allows for every function, module, and user interface to be designed according to your needs.

Advantages of custom software design

Customizability: Every small detail is tailored to your needs. This means that the software not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Flexibility: Our custom solutions allow the software to adapt to your business’s changing needs over time. Whether you need new features or enhancements to existing ones, we are always ready for the challenge.

Competitive Advantage: You gain tools that enable you to operate your business more efficiently and effectively, allowing you to easily outpace your competitors.

Integration: We take into account existing systems to ensure the seamless integration of the new software.

Why choose BerényiSoft Ltd.?

Our company has specialized in custom software design for many years. We have successfully implemented numerous projects across various industries, where customer satisfaction and successful operation were our top priorities. The BerényiSoft Ltd. team consists of highly skilled developers, designers, and project managers who use the latest technologies to ensure you receive the best possible solution.

How do we start?

The custom software design process with us begins with a consultation, where we discuss your needs and goals in detail. Following this, we create a detailed plan based on which development can commence. We keep you informed of every step to ensure that the final result meets your expectations.

BerényiSoft Ltd.’s expertise and commitment guarantee that you will receive a solution that not only meets
your current needs but is also ready for future challenges.
Entrust your software development needs to us and experience what custom software design truly means!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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GoodFirms platform! – BerényiSoft Ltd. on the international market!

GoodFirms platform! - BerényiSoft Ltd. on the international market!


We are pleased to announce that BerényiSoft Ltd. is now available on the GoodFirms platform, which opens up new opportunities for us in international markets. Our company has always been committed to developing high-quality, custom software solutions, and now we have the opportunity to bring this experience and expertise to many parts of the world.

Why is this step important for us?

GoodFirms is a recognized international platform that brings together the best software development companies from around the world, providing us with the opportunity to showcase our work and connect with new clients. By being listed on this platform, BerényiSoft Ltd. not only reinforces our success in the domestic market but also opens significant doors to foreign markets.

What opportunities does the GoodFirms platform offer?

International visibility:
The presence on GoodFirms is a milestone in the global market. Companies listed here can more easily meet international partners and clients, increasing our chances of securing new projects.

Building trust:
Our presence on the platform proves that our company meets international standards and expectations. This increases client confidence in us and helps us build long-term business relationships.

Market expansion:
Our company has already achieved significant results in Hungary, but being on GoodFirms allows us to conquer new markets. This is particularly important for us as there is a high demand for our unique, customized software solutions worldwide.

Why choose us?

BerényiSoft Ltd. is not just a software development company. Our expertise lies in developing custom enterprise software, be it CRM, ERP systems, web applications, or mobile applications. Additionally, with our interim manager services, we assist struggling development teams and companies. Our third focus area is our software support services, where we undertake the development of new features, refactoring, and maintenance of existing software.

Looking to the future

Our company has its own enterprise management system, which is also a business administration and CRM system combined, offering a 3-in-1 solution. The primary goal of developing this product is to create customized solutions quickly and efficiently, which are now available on international markets as well.

Being on GoodFirms gives us the opportunity to introduce this system to global clients and find new partners who need our innovative solutions.

Appearing on the GoodFirms platform is not just another step for us, but a giant leap toward international markets.
We are proud to be part of this global community and eagerly await the opportunity to work with new clients and partners.

Stay with us, follow our company’s progress, and be part of BerényiSoft Ltd.’s international success story!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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System development for the future with BerényiSoft Ltd.!

System development for the future with BerényiSoft Ltd.!

Rendszerfejlesztés a jövőért a BerényiSoft Kft.-vel!

In the digital world, efficient and flexible systems are essential for the success of businesses. System development plays a key role in ensuring that companies operate smoothly and can quickly respond to market changes. BerényiSoft Ltd. is committed to creating advanced systems that help your business increase efficiency and competitiveness.

Why is system development important?

Businesses are constantly evolving, and the business environment is becoming increasingly complex. Accordingly, systems must keep pace with changes to support the company’s growth and achievement of its goals. System development allows us to create custom solutions that perfectly fit the operation and needs of your business.

Benefits of system development:

  1. Increases efficiency: Optimized systems speed up business processes, reduce error possibilities, and contribute to cost reduction. The experts at BerényiSoft Ltd. develop systems that enable your business to operate faster and more efficiently.

  2. Custom solutions: Every business is unique and has specific needs. During system development, we consider your special requirements and design solutions that perfectly match the company’s operations.

  3. Flexibility and scalability: Well-designed systems easily adapt to the company’s growth and changing needs. This ensures that the system will continue to meet the company’s expectations in the future.

  4. Competitive advantage: Proper system development allows you to respond more quickly to market changes and gain an edge over your competitors. With BerényiSoft Ltd.’s solutions, your business can always stay one step ahead of the competition.

How does BerényiSoft Ltd. work in system development?

Our company’s principle is to approach each project with maximum attention to the client’s needs. The BerényiSoft Ltd. team consists of experienced developers and system engineers dedicated to creating the highest quality solutions. Our development process starts with consultation, where we thoroughly understand your expectations and business processes. This is followed by design, development, system integration, and finally, thorough testing and deployment of the system.

Looking to the future

For BerényiSoft Ltd., system development is not just a technological issue but also a strategic tool that can contribute to your business’s success. The systems we develop not only address current needs but are also prepared for future challenges.

Contact us so we can work together on a system that is truly tailored to your business’s needs!


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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