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What data do you need to create a NAV export?

What data do you need to create a NAV export?

With the NAV export, you can export your incoming and outgoing invoices to .xlsx format anywhere and anytime, making it easier to retrieve invoices and streamline administrative processes.

What data is needed to create the exported file?

First, if you want to enter a new invoice into the system and export it, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the user
  2. Create a new invoice
  3. For an outgoing invoice, provide the customer’s details
  4. Choose the payment method and the invoice currency
  5. Provide the invoice ID
  6. Specify the issue date and payment deadline
  7. Enter the invoice items
  8. Submit the invoice

Once the invoice is completed and successfully submitted to the NAV, it is ready for export.

What steps are needed to prepare a NAV export from existing invoices?

  • User Selection
  • Query Incoming or
  • Outgoing Invoices Specify Creation Date Range

Once you complete these steps, you just need to press Enter, and the NAV export will be ready.

It is important to start the export within a 30-day interval; you will not be able to query outside this timeframe. Queries can be made even for several years back, but the 30-day rule still applies.

What will you see when you open the generated .xlsx file?

  1. Summary worksheet, where you will see all your invoices queried for the specified period.

  2. Item summary worksheet, where you will find the details of all invoices for the specified period.

  3. Invoices worksheet, with as many worksheets as there are invoices in the specified period. All invoices are broken down into items on separate worksheets.

From here, all that’s left is to enjoy the smooth workflow!

The NAV Export will assist you in quickly finding any data you need, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. This way, your data won’t get lost, and all essential information will be readily available in one place.

Doesn’t have NAV Export yet, but interested?


BerényiSoftware Consulting and Services Ltd.

6726 Szeged, Alsó kikötő sor 11. D. bldg.

Phone: +36 30 777 7529




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